The Connecticut Firefighter Selection Tool (CT-FST) Elite Study Package contains the CT-FST Study Guide Online and the CT-FST Practice Test Online at a discounted price. Maximize your study efforts by utilizing both of these preparation tools and save money by purchasing them together.
Purchasing this product will give you immediate access to a PDF/eBook version of each document. The CT-FST Study Guide contains critical information about the CT-FST that will allow you to prepare for the test-taking experience, hone your cognitive skills, minimize test-related anxiety and ultimately perform at your peak level.
The study guide contains:
- Definitions of and sample questions for the dimensions tested by the CT-FST
- Recommendations regarding how to prepare for the exam
- 11 diagnostic cognitive ability questions
The Connecticut Firefighter Selection Tool (CT-FST) Practice Test contains 25 questions that are designed to provide insight as to how you will perform on the cognitive (i.e. reading, writing, math, etc.) portion of the CT-FST.
- 25 practice items
- Tests the same cognitive dimensions as the actual CT-FST exam
- Includes answer key to compare your responses to the correct answers