Job Board Subscriptions, Job Applications, and Test Preparation Materials
Perform at your best
Our Elite Study Packages include a study guide and two practice tests at a discounted price, ideal for candidates who desire the greatest amount of practice.
Elite Products
Include a study guide and two practice tests
Enhanced Products
Include a study guide and one practice test
Standard Products
Include a study guide OR practice test
Our Product Tiers
IOS carries three product tiers: Elite, Enhanced, and Standard. The Elite and Enhanced product lines combine multiple Standard products at a discounted price. Additionally, most of our materials are available in both electronic and hard copy (paper) formats.
Questions? Contact Us!

Service Type
IOS Shop
Provider Name
Industrial Organizational Solutions,
1520 Kensington Road, Suite 110,Oak Brook,Illinois-60523,
Telephone No.(888) 784-1290
Telephone No.(888) 784-1290
DescriptionIndustrial Organizational Solutions offers job application and preparation services for law enforcement, fire service, corrections and dispatch positions.