
Public Safety Test Administration and Scoring Options

IOS offers various options for public safety testing administration.


IOS offers several options for public safety testing administration.  IOS provides exam administration choices including both hard copy tests or online solutions to fit your agency’s needs. Scoring options allow your organization a quick turn around for results, producing ideal candidates in a timely fashion. 
Testing Administration | Online and Hard Copy Testing Solutions | IOS

Available Methods of Exam Administration

Paper and Pencil Testing (Hard copy)

IOS examinations are all available in hard copy or “paper and pencil” format. IOS’ public safety testing examinations consist of one-time use booklets that can be marked in and used as scratch paper by candidates. Examination booklets include a perforated answer sheet to increase the efficiency in administering our exams – test administrators only need to hand out a single booklet to candidates.

For hard copy testing, agencies will receive the following services as part of the test lease price:

Testing Materials: Agency is provided the testing materials necessary for testing, including: Test booklets, answer sheets, administration guide, and test administration script. Shipping is not included in the Lease price.

Answer Sheet Scanning: Completed answer sheets are electronically scanned by trained test scoring specialists.

Data Cleaning: All data is “cleaned” by test scoring specialists to correct any errors that result from candidate error or scanner error.

Data Scoring: Data is scored by our proprietary algorithms and verified for accuracy by test scoring specialists.

Scoring Report Generation: Scoring reports will be provided to the agency and will list candidate’s demographics, his/her scores and his/her passing status on the examination, if applicable. Several reporting options, such as overall score reporting and score breakdown reporting, are available.

Re-stocking of Unused Testing Materials: We will restock any unused test booklets without additional fees.

Transportability Analysis: We will conduct a summary analysis to ensure that the use of any of our entry-level testing products is valid for your agency. This analysis requires agency participation – Click for more info about transportability analysis.

Agencies only pay for the exams that are used and only get invoiced once scores are created. There is no upfront cost. All unused testing materials can be returned to IOS without charge or penalty. If an agency would rather build up their own inventory of exams, we can accommodate that as well.

Online Testing

Most IOS exams are available for administration online through our web-based testing platform – The Public Safety Selection System – PS3. Online testing provides a host of benefits for public safety testing such as self-administered and timed exams, immediate scoring, flexible score reporting and free test data storage and archiving. This service is available at the same cost as our paper and pencil tests. An agency only needs a computer with an internet connection to start testing. To learn more about PS3, click here.

Test Scoring Options

Data Import

With the correct software and equipment, clients can upload their own data and get instant score reports. Many agencies desire to have the control, flexibility and speed of “self-scoring.” Using our PS3 platform, this is possible. Agencies with a normal office printer/scanner and third-party software can upload data into our system for immediate scoring and reporting. Scores are generated automatically for you and are immediately accessible. Data is stored in a secured database, which you can query as needed through a client interface. Clients are required to purchase third party software and complete a client set-up with IOS.  We’ll help you get the system running and test it out to make sure the process is seamless and error free – Fees may apply.


Manual Entry

For smaller administrations, you can administer your public safety testing with paper-and-pencil exams. Once complete, you can simply hand-enter answers from completed answer sheets via a web-based application. Scores are generated automatically for you and are immediately accessible. Data is stored in a secured database, which you can query as needed through a client interface. Service is free of charge and only requires establishing an online account with us.

Questions? Contact Us!


Exam Administration and Scoring Options
Service Type
Exam Administration and Scoring Options
Provider Name
Industrial Organizational Solutions,
1520 Kensington Road, Suite 110,Oak Brook,Illinois-60523,
Telephone No.(888) 784-1290
IO Solutions offers several options for public safety testing administration. Whether you need hardcopy tests or online solutions, IOS has you covered.