Public Safety Selection System – PS3
Public Safety Selection System – PS3
The PS3 is a custom-developed, all-encompassing test administration platform. This system dynamically works with your needs, taking you from test purchase to test scores. It can also act as a data warehouse where you can store and access candidate scores. IOS’s PS3 online system seamlessly mirrors and blends with our paper-and-pencil exams. Exams can be administered online or in paper-and-pencil format. Paper-and-pencil exams can be uploaded and scored in our system, giving you instant results online.

Benefits of the PS3 System
With PS3 you can:
- Upload lists of candidates to specific exams
- Manage candidate history information
- Administer exams in a secure testing platform
- Instantly access scores and reports from test administrations
Each interface has been custom-designed for convenience and ease of use.
With PS3, clients are able to manage a virtual inventory of tests. You can purchase exams with credit cards or by purchase order and gain instant access to these exams. Exams will then be placed into your exam inventory that only you will be able to track and manage. Most of our exams have multiple forms; if you need to swap out one form for another, it is a simple matter of pressing a button. If a large administration is pending, you will be able to reference the number of exams in your inventory to ensure you have an adequate stock. You will also be able to track how many exams you have purchased and used.
On test day, the system is fully automated. Prior to beginning the exam, candidates are given a tutorial. This tutorial is offered as many times as the candidate requires it. Once in the system, a candidate is self-guided through the entire exam. Instructions regarding the exam and the system are provided. Demographic and important candidate information is gathered. The test administration is self-timed. Candidates are given a countdown time, and the system automatically closes if time expires. Once an exam is complete, the system automatically scores the data. Scores are available for you instantly.
Testing Platform
We have integrated our paper-and-pencil and online systems. This integration allows us to do something very unique. Many clients desire to have the flexibility and dynamic control of online data but want to use paper-and-pencil tests. With our system, we are able to score and upload paper-and-pencil exams to meet such a demand. It is a simple matter of sending in answer sheets for scoring. Within 24 hours of receipt of these answer sheets, we will have scores online. Furthermore, we offer two options to give clients the control to score and upload data on their end.
Scores and
Score Reports
Following testing, scores are computed automatically and are available instantly. Using the PS3 client account, you will be able to generate score reports by multiple search options. Results of these searches can be converted into PDF or Excel reports. This dynamic reporting system will allow you to generate reports for tests over any time period. You can get results for specific names and for specific test ID numbers. Each report is easily downloaded for manipulation or printing.
With the correct equipment, clients can upload their own exam data. Many agencies have their own scanners and wish to have the control, flexibility, and speed of self-scoring. Using our systems, this is possible. Once an administration is complete and answer sheets are scanned, clients can upload data into our system for immediate scoring and reporting.
Assigning candidates to an exam is a simple matter of uploading a candidate list to a given exam. Once uploaded, you will be able to see and edit a pending candidate’s information. You will be able to change a candidate to a different form or delete them from an exam if he/she fails to show up. When you delete or change the candidate’s exams, the system will automatically track and record these changes.
For smaller administrations, you can give paper-and-pencil exams. Once complete, you can simply hand-enter scores onto a specialized scoring feature. This feature will allow for immediate access to scores upon submission.
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