
OH-SELECT Elite Study Package – Online


The OH-SELECT Elite Study Package contains the OH-SELECT Enhanced Study Guide and the OH-SELECT Interactive Online Practice Test at a discounted price. Maximize your study efforts by utilizing both of these preparation tools and save money by purchasing them together.

OH-SELECT Enhanced Study Guide - Online

The OH-SELECT Enhanced Study Guide contains critical information about the OH-SELECT that will allow you to prepare for the test-taking experience, hone your cognitive skills, minimize test-related anxiety and ultimately perform at your peak level. This enhanced study guide contains all features included in the standard study guide, plus a 60-item practice test to further help you prepare for your upcoming exam.

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OH-SELECT Interactive Online Practice Test

The OH-SELECT Practice Test contains 60 questions that are designed to provide insight as to how you will perform on the cognitive (i.e. reading, writing, math, etc.) portion of the OH-SELECT.

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In Stock

SKU: OH-SELECT Elite Study Package Categories: ,


The OH-SELECT Elite Study Package contains the OH-SELECT Enhanced Study Guide- Online and the OH-SELECT Interactive Online Practice Test at a discounted price. Maximize your study efforts by utilizing both of these preparation tools and save money by purchasing them together.


The OH-SELECT Enhanced Study Guide contains critical information about the OH-SELECT that will allow you to prepare for the test-taking experience, hone your cognitive skills, minimize test-related anxiety and ultimately perform at your peak level. This enhanced study guide contains all features included in the standard study guide, plus a 60-item practice test to further help you prepare for your upcoming exam.


Purchasing this product will give you immediate access to a PDF/eBook version of the material.


This study guide contains:


  • Definitions of and sample questions for the dimensions tested by the OH-SELECT
  • Information about rules governing the testing process
  • Instructions for completing the exam answer sheet
  • General test-taking strategies
  • A 60-item cognitive practice test

The OH-SELECT Practice Test contains 60 questions that are designed to provide insight as to how you will perform on the cognitive (i.e. reading, writing, math, etc.) portion of the OH-SELECT.

Purchasing this product will give you immediate access to an interactive test that must be taken online via the IOS Recruitment website.



  • Tests the same dimensions as the actual OH-SELECT exam
  • Upon completion, you will receive your overall score including a breakdown of your performance on each dimension
  • View correct answers and retake the questions you answered incorrectly
  • No time limit per attempt

Please note that online products are not downloadable and expire 365 days from date of purchase. Before you purchase an online product, click here to view a sample of this file format. We recommend printing the sample study guide to ensure your printer is capable of printing this file format. If you cannot view or print the sample study guide, please contact us for assistance. Online products are currently not compatible with smart phones.