Essentials of Law Enforcement Management Promotional Examinations
Essentials of
Law Enforcement

Exam Features:
The Essentials of Law Enforcement Management promotional examinations for First Line Supervisor, Middle Manager, and Upper Command were developed specifically for law enforcement agencies to determine the extent to which candidates possess the necessary job knowledge required for success as law enforcement supervisors. The law enforcement exams were developed based on job analysis data collected from law enforcement agencies across the nation. The job analysis results provided the empirical data for determining the relevant knowledge areas that are evaluated by the Essentials of Law Enforcement Management examinations. IOS’ Essentials of Law Enforcement Management examinations will provide an optimal solution for promoting individuals within your agency.
- Length: 100 questions
- Administration Time: 2 hours and 30 minutes, plus 15 minutes for instructions
- Appropriate for Testing the Following Ranks:
- First Line Supervisor: First line supervisor positions, specifically the rank of sergeant
- Middle Manager: Mid-level agency supervisors, specifically the rank of lieutenant
- Upper Command: Upper command positions, specifically the rank of captain
- Publishing Schedule: A new version is published annually to reflect updated editions of reference materials
- Free Local Validation: You are strongly encouraged to complete a Local Validation Survey to support your department’s use of the exam. IOS will assist you in ensuring that the use of the examination is valid for your agency.
- Free Cut-Score Analysis: You are strongly encouraged to complete an Item Review Survey to establish a local cut-score for the examination.
Measurement Domains:
- Constitutional Law
- Supervision, Management, and Leadership
- Tactics and Strategy
- Investigations, Procedures, and Prosecution
- Modern Policing Topics
Stock Law Enforcement Exam Features:
- Per exam usage fee
- Ability to drop irrelevant knowledge areas (e.g. Constitutional Law) from exam (this service will result in an exam with less than 100 items)
- Free local validation available
- Free cut-score analysis available
Call 888.784.1290 or fill out the form below to speak with a representative.
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