
Wheaton, IL Firefighter Job Application


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SKU: Wheaton IL FD Job Application 2025 Category:


Wheaton Fire Department
Firefighter Job Application

Application Deadline: Monday, March 31, 2025, at 4:00 p.m.
Starting salary as of May 1, 2025: $78,151


Minimum Requirements:

  • U.S. Citizenship
  • Must meet the following education requirement with a grade of “C” or better from an accredited college/university:
    • Associate’s degree,
    • 48 completed semester hours,
    • 60 completed quarter hours
  • Valid driver’s license, with the ability to obtain an Illinois driver’s license before hire
  • Must be 20 years of age and under 35 at time of application deadline, unless exempt by state statute
  • Must have current and valid Illinois Department of Public Health (IDPH) EMT-Basic License (or higher) by time of hire and must maintain through hire*
  • Must possess a current and valid CPAT/Ladder Climb card by the application deadline. Cards will be considered valid if issued within one year from the date listed above (3/31/2024 – 3/31/2025).  Must also be valid at time of conditional offer*
  • No felony convictions 
  • *It is the responsibility of the candidate to make sure their CPAT is up to date and includes the Ladder Climb. Any candidate NOT possessing a valid CPAT card with Ladder Climb and a current Illinois licensed EMT-B “at time of conditional offer” will be disqualified. 


Required Documentation – due 3/31/2025 at 4:00 p.m.:

  • Confirmed and completed online application – available after download
  • Consent and release agreement – available after download
  • Character reference forms – available after download
  • Authorization and release forms – available after download
  • Copy of valid driver’s license
  • Copy of birth record as proof of citizenship. May include: county/state birth record, U.S. passport or naturalization papers 
  • Original/Official transcripts- must indicate attainment of an Associate’s Degree, 48 completed semester hours, or 60 completed quarter hours with a “C” or above, from an accredited college/university. *Unofficial transcripts are not accepted.
  • Copy of valid CPAT and Ladder Climb Certification. Valid if issued between 3/31/2024 – 3/31/2025
  • Optional Copy of a valid IDPH EMT Basic License (or higher)

In-Home Testing Information:
Your exam will be offered electronically, and you will take the exam in your own home. Testing will be offered during business hours within the week of April 28th.  There will be no evening or weekend session offered – it is your responsibility to ensure you have the flexibility to test during these times.  Additional information and instructions on how to prepare for the electronic testing will be provided at a later time. 

Application Process Information:
Once you have completed the online application, you will receive a confirmation number – save this number for your records.  You will also need to print and sign the required release form(s) and gather the required documentation listed above for submission to IOS Recruitment by 3/31/2025 at 4:00 p.m.  

Please contact IOS Recruitment at (800)-343-HIRE or with questions regarding the application, the testing process, or the required documentation before the application deadline date.

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