
NFSI Practice Test – Online


The NFSI PDF Online Practice Test contains 105 questions that are designed to provide insight as to how you will perform on the cognitive (i.e. reading, writing, math, etc.) portion of the NFSI. Purchasing this product will give you immediate access to a PDF/eBook version of the material.

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The NFSI PDF Online Practice Test contains 105 questions that are designed to provide insight as to how you will perform on the cognitive (i.e. reading, writing, math, etc.) portion of the NFSI. Purchasing this product will give you immediate access to a PDF/eBook version of the material.

  • 105 practice items
  • Tests the same dimensions as the actual NFSI exam
  • Upon completion, you can calculate your overall score including a breakdown of your performance on each dimension
  • View correct answers and retake the questions you answered incorrectly

This practice test contains different questions from the NFSI Interactive Online Practice Test. If you desire more practice after completing this test, purchase the NFSI Interactive Online Practice Test for a unique set of questions. Please note that online products are not downloadable and expire 365 days from date of purchase. Before you purchase an online product, click here to view a sample of this file format. We recommend printing the sample study guide to ensure your printer is capable of printing this file format. If you cannot view or print the sample study guide, please contact us for assistance. Online products are currently not compatible with smart phones.