National Firefighter Selection Inventory (NFSI)
Inventory (NFSI)
Exam Highlights:

The NFSI is IOS’ flagship entry-level firefighter examination. This examination has been rigorously researched and successfully used in highly litigious environments. It has been successfully validated and deployed for agencies under US Department of Justice oversight. The NFSI combines a comprehensive cognitive ability measure with a measure of behavioral orientation (a personality-type measure). The NFSI was selected by a third-party expert, in two separate instances, as the best performing of all commercially available firefighter examinations in independent research studies performed for large fire departments. The NFSI most successfully predicted job performance while minimizing disparity.
Exam Features:
- Parallel Forms: Five (5) – Form 1, Form 2, Form 3, Form 4, Form 5
- Length: Cognitive Ability Measure – 105 items, Non-cognitive (Behavioral Orientation) Measure – 50 items
- Administration Time: 2 ½ Hours, plus 15 minutes for instructions
Measurement Domains:
- Verbal Comprehension
- Verbal Expression
- Problem Sensitivity
- Deductive Reasoning
- Inductive Reasoning
- Information Ordering
- Mathematical Reasoning
- Numeric Facilitation
Non-cognitive – Behavioral Orientation:
- Stress Tolerance
- Team Orientation
- Motivation/Attitude
Available Study Materials:
We recommend agencies secure study materials for candidates directly, or provide information on where to find legitimate and accurate study preparation materials.
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3.5 based on votes
Industrial Organizational Solutions
Product Name National Firefighter Selection Inventory - NFSI