Firefighter Testing
Firefighter Testing
Firefighter Fitness Test, Written Assessments and Fire Safety Test Prep Materials.

Unsure about becoming a firefighter? Here is some information to learn more about the job.
When you decide to pursue a career as a professional firefighter, you will have to pass both a firefighter physical test and a written firefighter test. Gaining a position in fire safety is extremely competitive. Before you take any firefighter test, make sure you prepare. Find out what firefighter exam you are required to take if you know what fire department you are looking to secure a job with. This will help you obtain the appropriate prep materials. If you are still looking at fire department job availability, click here to subscribe to the IOS job board where we have multiple job listings. Below are some of the tests that are administered to fire service candidates and links to the appropriate preparation materials.
Entry-Level Firefighter Tests
Firefighter Selection Tool – FST
Total Questions: Over 200
The FST tests for basic abilities required for the firefighter position. The FST exam does not require previous firefighting experience or first-hand knowledge of the firefighter position. There are no calculators or web-based electronic devices allowed during the testing process. Any form of spelling aids or dictionaries are also not allowed.
Section 1 – Behavioral Characteristics and Biodata
You will have 30 minutes to complete the 120 questions in the behavioral characteristics and biodata section. These answers will reflect your approach to situations that might arise in a position as a firefighter. The format for this section is a scale arrangement where you will select answers from “Strongly Agree” to “Strongly Disagree.” This series of questions assesses personal motivations, social relations, personal approaches, and preferences.
Section 2 – Cognitive Aptitude
You will have two hours to complete the 80 multiple-choice questions. Below are brief descriptions of what the focus of this portion of this test will be.
- Deductive Reasoning – In this part of the exam, you will need to answer questions about situations using a presented set of rules or procedures. For example, you will have to select the appropriate equipment to utilize in a given situation.
- Inductive Reasoning – Utilizing inductive reasoning, you will select the necessary information from a list or paragraph to answer the questions. An example of inductive reasoning would be drawing a conclusion from a list of statements gathered from witnesses.
- Information Ordering – In this section, you will be required to arrange in sequential order the necessary steps required to complete a task. For example, you are presented with the steps on how to correctly operate a fire hose, although the steps are in the wrong order. You will be asked to rearrange the steps into the correct order.
- Mathematical Reasoning – The mathematical reasoning section tests your mathematical capabilities utilizing charts, tables, and simple and complex text questions. You will need to utilize correct mathematical formulas to perform the calculations.
- Spatial Orientation – In the spatial orientation questions, you will be required to navigate maps of cities as well as building diagrams. This will test your ability to find the quickest route from one point to another.
- Visualization – The visualization section assesses your ability to recognize people or things after the items have been changed or repositioned.
- Written Comprehension – The written comprehension section requires the ability to make decisions and answer questions based on a certain body of text.
- Written Expression – The written expression section tests your general English knowledge by covering vocabulary skills, grammar, and spelling capabilities.
IOS offers the best selection of firefighter preparation materials for this internally developed firefighter test.
National Firefighter Selection Inventory – NFSI
Total Questions: 155
2 ½ Hours, plus 15 minutes for instructions
The National Firefighter Selection Inventory or NFSI is composed of job related questions that help agencies select qualified candidates to serve as firefighters. The test does not require firefighter experience in order to pass. It contains two sections, Cognitive Skills and Personality Attributes. These two sections are combined into one overall score. During this entry-level firefighter exam, you are not allowed to use aids such as dictionaries, electronic devices, or calculators.
Section 1 – Cognitive Abilities
The cognitive abilities section of the NFSI exam contains 105 questions in a multiple-choice format covering the following eight categories:
- Deductive Reasoning – The deductive reasoning section tests applicants on the ability to utilize a set of rules or procedures to find the answer to a job-related question. For example, a question may ask you to determine the right piece of equipment to use in a given firefighting situation.
- Inductive Reasoning – In this section, applicants gather details to reach a specific conclusion. Coming to a conclusion from a list of witness statements would be an example of a question in the inductive reasoning section.
- Information Ordering – The information ordering part of the exam requires you to rearrange a list of instructions into a correct sequential order. An example of this would be taking all of the steps of operating a fire hose from a shuffled list and placing them into the correct order.
- Mathematical Reasoning – In mathematical reasoning, you are tested on your ability to utilize calculations and formulas to provide the correct answer. This section contains charts, tables and simple and complex questions.
- Number Facility – The number facility section requires you to calculate answers for word problems utilizing addition, subtraction, division, multiplication, rations, decimals, averages, percentages, and square measures.
- Problem Sensitivity – This section gives you a scenario and you are required to identify the problem, not solve it.
- Written Comprehension – Written comprehension requires you to read a passage of text, then answer the questions about the text.
- Written Expression – Written expression tests your general English usage including grammar, spelling, and vocabulary.
Section 2 – Non-Cognitive Traits
The non-cognitive traits section of the NFSI firefighting test measures stress tolerance, team orientation, motivation, and attitude. This section contains a five-point scale layout with questions that are designed to assess personality traits to determine if applicants are a good fit. It is important that questions are answered honestly.
This assessment was developed by IOS ensuring that our preparation materials are the best resources to utilize when preparing for the NFSI.
Next Generation Firefighter – NGFF
3 ¼ Hours, plus 15 minutes for instruction
Cognitive Ability Measure – 61 items
Situational Judgment Measure – 79 items
Mechanical Reasoning – 9 items
The NGFF combines a direct measurement of skills such as problem-solving, learning, memory, and attention to detail. It also measures your ability to understand and apply mechanical concepts and principles to solve problems. The NGFF focuses on using tools and measures that do not produce a negative impact on minority groups. The scoring procedure is focused on increasing diversity.
CWH Selection Solutions for Firefighters – SSFF
The CWH Selection Solutions firefighter exam is a multiple choice, timed exam composed of job-related questions that help agencies select qualified candidates to serve as effective firefighters. No previous firefighter experience is required in order to pass the test.
During this multiple-choice test, you are not allowed to utilize aids such as dictionaries, electronic devices, or calculators.
3 ¼ Hours, plus 15 minutes for instruction
Cognitive Ability Measure – 34 items
The cognitive portion focuses on the following four skill areas:
- Mechanical Aptitude – In this section, you will assess your ability to understand and learn physical and mechanical concepts that pertain to firefighting.
- Writing Skills – This section includes English grammar, punctuation, and spelling.
- Reading Comprehension – Here you will be required to draw appropriate conclusions from a passage of text.
- Mathematical Skills – This includes addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division. You will also be required to solve problems with a given formula.
Situational Judgment Measures – 102 items
The second topic area assesses your approach to scenarios that you would face in daily life. In this exam, you will also see a personal questionnaire which focuses on identifying candidates who possess ideal personality traits for a career in firefighting. This portion of the exam focuses on your interpersonal skills and the way that you would handle job-related issues.
Preparation materials for this firefighter test include sample questions, test-taking strategies, and information about the test and types of questions on the test.
Situational-Based Styles Assessment for Firefighters – SBSA-FF
45 minutes, plus 15 minutes for instructions
This firefighter exam was designed to focus on skills that might not be assessed until you would enter the typical oral interview stage of the hiring process. This test could be utilized by agencies in place of an oral interview when conducting one might not be an option.
There is no prep material for the SBSA-FF.
Integrity Inventory
Total Questions – 150
45 minutes, plus 15 minutes for instruction
The Integrity Inventory test consists of questions that will determine if an applicant is likely to engage in counterproductive workplace behaviors. This pre-employment screening tool will assess moral character, work attitudes, theft attitudes, potential for substance abuse, etc. This exam may also serve as a personality test.
There is no prep material for the Integrity Inventory test.
Mechanical Reasoning Ability Test – MRAT
Total Questions – 25
45 minutes, plus 15 minutes for instruction
The MRAT is designed to determine mechanical abilities. It is intended to accompany an entry-level firefighter exam that does not have a mechanical abilities section. It requires you to troubleshoot, recognize the purpose of a tool or device, and predict the outcome of a mechanical activity. The MRAT can be used to test for other positions that would require similar aptitudes.
Physical Ability Test (PAT)
Physical abilities are an important part of most fire service positions. You will have to pass the PAT to become a firefighter. Each organization is unique and each administration site is different. If you end up taking the Physical Abilities Test (PAT) created by IOS, much of the test will be job simulation.
Here are some examples of job simulation tests that you might see on an IOS firefighter PAT test:
- Advancing a weighted sled or charged hose-line which requires a great deal of force.
- Unloading a 14-ft. ladder, carrying it 100 ft. and then reloading the ladder on brackets.
- Raising a 24-ft. extension ladder and lowering it again in a controlled manner.
- Climbing a 24-ft. extension ladder quickly and safely.
- Lifting and carrying a total of 40 lbs. for 150 feet to simulate carrying equipment.
- Moving a Keiser Sled completely down the track.
- Ascending and descending 4 flights of stairs while carrying a hose prop.
- Dragging a 165-pound dummy a total of 50 feet.
This firefighter entry-level exam ensures that the minimum fitness requirements necessary to perform as a firefighter are met. You will not be able to pursue a career in firefighting without passing this or a similar firefighter fitness test.

Firefighting Test and Preparation Materials
There are several useful tools to assist you in preparing for a firefighting test. Practice exams cover the same areas as the actual firefighter exam. Additionally, they allow applicants to revisit incorrect answers and view correct responses online. Study guides include test-taking strategies, rules, and sample questions. IOS offers general study guide materials designed to prepare applicants for the exam process. IOS also offers state/regional study guides and practice tests custom designed for area-specific exams. To prepare, find a preparation guide specifically created for the test you are taking.
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