Dispatcher Selection Tool (DST)
Exam Highlights:

The Dispatcher Selection Tool is IOS’ most recently developed entry-level dispatcher examination and represents state-of-the art research and design. This is an audio-based, job-simulation assessment that is easy to administer and measures critical dispatch skills. The examination contains questions from multiple stimuli inputs (audio-based and visual-based). The DST contains enhanced stereo surround-sound and disrupting background noises making the audio-portion of the exam more realistic. Additionally, the “callers” on the audio are from various cultural and racial groups, providing authentic language patterns.
Exam Features:
- Parallel Forms: One (1)
- Length: 70 questions
- Administration Time: 2 1/4 hours
Measurement Domains:
Cognitive Ability:
- Oral Comprehension
- Selective Attention
- Deductive Reasoning
- Inductive Reasoning
- Information Ordering
- Spatial Orientation
- Written Expression
- Written Comprehension
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