Corrections Officer Jobs
Corrections officer job search resources and preparation materials.
Explore the basic duties that correctional officer jobs might entail.
Ace your upcoming exam with our preparation materials for corrections officer testing.
Frequently Asked Questions About Corrections Officer Jobs

What Are the Education Requirements to Become a Corrections Officer?
Corrections positions vary regarding educational requirements, but often simply require a high school education. Applicants will be required to pass a basic skills examination that assesses a variety of essential skills.

What Is Required For The Corrections Officer Physical Test?
Corrections officer positions may require the successful completion of a job simulation physical ability test. These are often specific to the hiring agency.

What are corrections jobs requirements?
Applicants for corrections officer positions will receive specialized training after hire. Applicants who desire to improve their performance on entry-level exams should seek out exam preparation resources specific to the test being used by a particular agency.

Where can I get a correctional officer study guide?
Study guides and practice tests can be obtained from IOS’ website.

Do you have sample correctional officer written tests?
A practice exam will allow the candidate to complete a version of the cognitive exam that is highly similar to the cognitive section of the qualifying exam.
Basic Duties of a Corrections Officer Job
Serving as a correctional officer is an important role in the correctional system. Being a correctional officer requires following many established procedures and rules.
Correctional Officers tasks may include:
- Monitoring the number of prisoners present in a facility.
- Keeping order among prisoners using weapons, force or handcuffs if necessary.
- Guarding facility by inspecting facility, bars, doors, gates, and locks.
- Screening visitors and mail.
- Arranging prisoner schedules, assigning duties, and coordinating activities and appointments.
- Transporting prisoners to locations like a courtroom, airport, hospital or work site.
- Supporting inmate recreational activities and counseling prisoners with concerns or questions.
There are several technology skills that would benefit a correctional officer such as knowledge of Microsoft Office Suite and the ability to learn internal tailored data base management systems.
Some other skills of an effective corrections officer include:
- Basic business and management principles
- Good customer service
- Knowledge of public safety
- Critical thinking skills
- Excellent communication skills
- Ability to recognize danger
Ensuring the safety of others by being a Corrections Officer can prove to be a very rewarding career choice.
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